Vítor Willian Rodrigues Braga
Comparação entre metodologias para análise de trocadores de calor
Trocadores de calor são equipamentos cujo objetivo é propiciar um meio favorável à transferência de calor entre dois fluidos em diferentes temperaturas. O seu dimensionamento pode ser desenvolvido com base em diversos métodos de obtenção do coeficiente global de transferência térmica e da determinação da área de troca. O presente trabalho trabalho visa comparar tais técnicas, tanto analíticas quanto numéricas, a fim de compreender limitações, diferenças e fenômenos que interferem no processo.
Vitor José Meyer Maffei
Thermal analysis using inverse problem
From the historical perspective, the implementation of methods to solve inverse problems is recent and the possibilities of applications are expanding with researches (according reference de Campos Velho [2002]). Therefore, one area of development of these techniques is the thermal analysis, which brings with it the concept of finding body conditions from the temperature distribution, what contrasts with direct problem cases based in define temperature distribution by the known conditions. Specifically, it is studied the ability of a Differential Evolution algorithm to find breast tissue properties in different conditions according a temperature distribution obtained in Cryosurgery exam. Through this solution, also based in the Pennes bioheat transfer equation, it is possible to determine whether the tissue has a tumor, as well as its position and size, all by the results of blood perfusion rate and metabolic heat generation. To verify the algorithm's sensitivity to the input data, the effect of noise in the solution is also tested. Positive results in this application can contribute in the development of cancer technologies for easier diagnosis of cancer.
Arturo Machado Burgos
Assessment of programming languages for computational numerical dynamics
Programming languages are extremely useful in many processes today. There are numerous problems, ODE’s mathematical models for example, in which the use of programming languages through some computational method is required. Going a step further, both computational numerical dynamics and computational fluid dynamics, CND and CFD respectively, deal with the numerical simulation of the fluid's behavior and other substances when subjected to different boundary and initial conditions. For the vast majority resolution of these problems, different programming languages are used. They differ from each other essentially in syntax. However, in view of this great variety, it can be said that there are those more optimized for scientific computing in general. In this present work we sought to evaluate routines commonly used in CND and CFD codes to solve different problems. The level of complexity of the tests varies, ranging from easy as evaluation of loops or recursive problems to those at first somewhat complex, since they already deal with concepts of heat transport. Four languages were accounted for: Python, Fortran, Julia and MATLAB. Furthermore, one of them contains a variation, in this case Python with the Numba module (specifically Just In Time process - JIT). The analysis of the languages are both quantitative and qualitative, that is, in spite of worrying about analyzing the computational time spent in each of the tests, we also try to show our impressions about the ease of use or about the documentation available in forums. As for the results it is possible to infer that among the programming languages the ones with the greatest potential are Fortran, MATLAB and finally Python, with emphasis on the latter since it is a high-order language. In addition, it was found that with routines created by other developers, processes are greatly optimized, making execution times even shorter when compared to the others.
George Dechichi Barbar
Avaliação numérica da sensibilidade de parâmetros em processos de soldagem
Tendo em vista a ampla utilização e a necessidade da soldagem em diferentes áreas industriais, é importante ter controle total do resultado final do procedimento. Por isso, com o auxílio de um código "in-house" desenvolvido em MATLAB, diferentes simulações do processo são realizadas, a fim de se verificar a influência de parâmetros, como corrente elétrica e velocidade de solda, e o resultado final da peça, por meio da verificação da mudança de fase do material e da profundidade da solda.
Gino R. Lavagnino Sanchez
Desenvolvimento de um algoritmo computacional com malha-não estruturada para a detecção de tumores em criocirurgia
Segundo uma pesquisa da OMS (Organização Mundial da Saúde) no ano de 2020 teve 19,3 milhões de casos novos de pacientes com câncer e 10.0 milhões de mortes causadas pelo câncer. Tendo isto, sabe-se que o câncer é uma preocupação mundial e é de vital importância a detecção dele numa etapa prematura e contar com métodos de detecção e tratamento eficazes, accessíveis e precisos. Surgiu então o interesse em participar no desenvolvimento de um algoritmo computacional, aplicando conceitos de mecânica de fluidos computacional, que pretende localizar e definir o tamanho de tumores cancerígenos em tecido humano (seios e cérebros) mediante transferência de calor (método inverso) com procedimentos relativos à criocirugia.